Women suffer from many physical issues in their daily life. They don’t share these problems with anyone even with doctors due to embarrassment. They stay silent about it until it turns into a dreadful problem. Gynaecological problems are also included in those serious problems women don’t talk about. One of the gynaecological problems which are common for women is polycystic ovary syndrome.
Introduction of polycystic ovary syndrome:
Polycystic ovary syndrome is a health problem which occurs due to the imbalance of reproductive hormones. It normally affects the women of childbearing age. Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS affects ovaries and creates problems in it. It prevents the development of the eggs which are released every month.
Causes of polycystic ovary syndrome:
Many experts think that a high level of androgens which is mainly produced in a male body and a low amount produced in the female body can be the reason for PCOS. If a woman body produces more than the normal amount of androgen, the excessive androgens affect the ovaries severely and prevent the eggs from releasing. Women with PCOS can face problems like extreme hair growth and acne.

Symptoms of PCOS:
There are many physical and mental issues which have a connection with PCOS. Such as:
● High blood pressure
● Harmful cholesterol
● Diabetes
● Irregular periods
● Infertility
● Endometrial cancer
● Depression
● Fatigue
Treatment for PCOS in Melbourne:
The professional gynaecologists can deliver appreciable treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome in Melbourne. If you want to know if you have PCOS you need to undergo a diagnosis process. The gynaecologists will check your medical history and do some medical examination. If you have PCOS the professional gynaecologists will perform different polycystic ovary syndrome treatment process which can eliminate every problem related to PCOS. The expert gynaecologists use effective pills and drugs which help to regulate the menstrual cycle. Their surgical procedure helps to mitigate the level of androgens.
Hiding is a not a solution for any physical problems. If you have polycystic ovary syndrome, take the advice of the professional gynaecologist. You won’t be embarrassed at the time of taking with them and they will make you confident and comfortable with their professional manner. To get more information about them, you can visit their websites.