Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery is generally performed for women who are suffering from Pelvic Organ Prolapse. After the surgery, it is commonly observed that the Pelvic muscles have become weak. Well! To strengthen those muscles, there are a number of exercises that are often referred by the experts.
Are you from Australia and have you recently been in the operation theatre for the Pelvic Organ Prolapse correction? Then, chances are pretty high that your Pelvic Reconstructive Surgeon in Melbourne has suggested you do Kegel exercises on a regular basis. These exercises are a group of exercises that are dedicated to strengthening the Pelvic floor muscles, the muscles of the bladder, the Rectum Walls, and last but not the least the muscles of the vaginal area.
In this article, we have discussed a few insights about Kegel Exercises. So, if you are confused about its functionalities and the other details, then this is a must-read article for you. Let’s take you inside.

The Scopes of Performing Kegel Exercises
If we talk about the functionalities and the efficacies of Kegel Exercises, then there are a number of things that these can do. First of all, it is pretty important to know the reasons of muscle weakening around the Pelvis area. Not only surgery, but other reasons also include childbirth, huge weight gain, serious internal injuries, etc. For all these cases, it has been proven that if Kegel Exercises are performed well then not only the muscles strengthen but also premature ejaculation problem also gets solved. So, in case, if you think that these are dedicated to women, then we want to reassure you that both women and men can extract equal benefits by these set of exercises.
The most advantageous point about these exercises is that Kegel can be initiated anywhere no matter where you are. It is a work out that needs to be executed for at least 15 to 20 times. If you perform these 3 to 4 times a day, then just within a week or within a few months, the Pelvic muscles would start contracting just like before and they would start getting the shape back. We must say that Kegel is one of the most popular sets of exercises.
Finding the Muscles is a Challenge
Well! If you think that you need to contact your Pelvic Reconstructive Surgeon in Melbourne once again to find the Pelvic muscles, then we want to assure you that it is the simplest thing ever. One of the most popular methods is the following.
While urinating, stop the flow in the middle.
When you stop and try to start the flow again, your body engages Pelvic muscles.
Voila! Now, you know which muscles are utilized while doing this.
Some also repeat the same steps with the bowel movements. Initially, you would feel comfortable repeating the muscle contraction exercise only within the washroom. Once you get accustomed to Kegel exercises, you can do anywhere.
It is better to hold the contraction at least for 5 or more seconds. The set would be repeated for at least 10 to 15 times for more efficacy. Lastly, we can assure you that if you perform Kegel exercise religiously, you would see the results in no time.