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An In-Depth Knowledge about Adenomyosis Treatment in Melbourne

Dr G Poovalingam

An individual woman can take a number of actions for the health system to safeguard the reproductive health. These actions differ from many health interventions and in that the motivation for their use is not necessarily limited to better health and involves many cultural and social prerequisites. Irrespective of these additional considerations, these interventions have major health implications and you can see these in family planning, adolescent and sexual and reproductive health of women. There are some lifestyle changes also which indulge the changes in the reproductive health and as a result, several issues take place in the women health. This change leads to many uneasy conditions which require adequate treatment and care for further betterment of reproductive health.

Adenomyosis is a reproductive issue that can lead to major issues for the women health. If you suffer from this you need to take care of your health as well as lead a successful like. Before you consider Adenomyosis treatment options in Melbourne you need to have an overview of this condition.

What Is Adenomyosis?

Adenomyosis is a severe condition in which the inner lining of the uterus or the endometrium breaks through the muscle wall of the uterus or the myometrium. This condition can cause menstrual cramps, lower abdominal pressure, and bloating before menstrual periods and can cause heavy periods. This condition can be located throughout the entire uterus or localized in one spot.

Though Adenomyosis is considered a benign or not life-threatening condition, frequent pain and heavy bleeding associated with it can have a negative impact on a woman’s quality of life.

What Are the Symptoms You Need to Consider?

The women diagnosed with Adenomyosis may have some of these following symptoms such as,

  • Heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding

  • Severe menstrual cramp

  • Abdominal pressure and bloating and so on.

What Are the Diagnostic Tests of Adenomyosis?

Until recently, the only definitive way to diagnose Adenomyosis was to perform a hysterectomy and the tests of the uterine tissues under the microscope. However, imaging technology has made this possible for the doctors to recognize Adenomyosis without surgery. Using MRI or transvaginal ultrasound can be helpful for the doctors to identify the serious condition.

If a doctor suspects Adenomyosis, the first step will be a physical pelvic exam. This may reveal an enlarged or tender uterus. With the help of a uterus, the doctor can visit the uterus, its lining and its muscular wall. Though ultrasound solely diagnoses definitively Adenomyosis, it can help to rule out other conditions with similar symptoms. With the help of the magnetic resonance imaging or MRI it can be ensured that the diagnosis of Adenomyosis in women can cause abnormal uterine bleeding.

What Are the Prospective Treatment Options?

The treatment options depend on the part of your symptoms and their severity and whether you have a complicated childbearing. If you have mild symptoms that can be treated with medication and heating pads can be used to ease the cramps. There are several adenomyosis treatment options the top and qualified gynaecologists in Melbourne can suggest you such as,

Anti-Inflammatory medications

The top doctors will prescribe you non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve mild pain that is associated with Adenomyosis. This treatment is usually conducted one or two days before the beginning of your period and continued through the first few days of your period.

Hormone therapy

A symptom such as heavy painful period can be controlled with hormonal therapy which is completely secure and safe for your reproductive health.

Endometrial ablation

This is a minimally invasive procedure that destroys the lining of the uterus. This treatment has been found to be effective in revealing symptoms in some patients when Adenomyosis has not penetrated deeply into the muscle wall of the uterus.


There is no definitive cure of Adenomyosis apart from a hysterectomy that is surgical removal of the uterus. If your symptoms are serious or incapacitating you will require this type of treatment and you will be treated with a keyhole approach.

If you want to be treated accurately you should contact the skilled and qualified gynaecologists near you have years of experience in this domain. They will understand your issue and treat in the way that will rescue you from this acute condition with special care.



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